October 11, 2012

Masterpiece wall

Our 1st grade team has been wanting to do SOMETHING with this ugly wall that used to have bulletin boards on them...but rarly were used. We also have a whole wall of white cabinets across from this that are just blah! BUT we all three agree we TOTALLY dislike taping and hanging work...taking it down and doing it over and over again each month....SO we came up with a FABULOUS idea to have the kids make their own picture frame to display their work.

We had them color and cut out a frame from construction paper...a parent helper laminated and cut them out. Then we took each kiddos picture holding a chalk board with their name and class code on it. Attached the picture to a clothes pin, attached the clothes pin to the frame....and tah dah..instant wall of masterpieces. The kids will be able to easily switch out their work and NO TAPE!!!!!!!!!!

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